What does Maths look like at Holly Meadows?
At Holly Meadows, we aim to provide a Maths education that creates well-rounded mathematicians who are fluent in facts and can apply this knowledge to reason and problem solve.
We use the White Rose Maths scheme of work as a vehicle to equip the learners with the knowledge to enable them to develop their skills as mathematicians. Learning is chunked into blocks of learning which is then broken down into small steps that link together to meet the National Curriculum statements. Content taught is then applied and revisited through other areas of the curriculum, creating an interconnected scheme of learning. Each year, the learners begin their learning with Number and Place Value, which gives the learners the foundations to access the calculation based tasks as well as other areas of the Maths curriculum.
During the teaching sequence, the children are presented with a range of representations to deepen their understanding of a concept. Children are taught to be conceptual as well as procedural – being able to talk about the Maths that they are doing.
Maths lessons
Images to follow soon
Puffins Class – EYFS/Year 1
Kittiwakes Class – Year 1/2
Avocets Class – Year 3/4
Oystercatchers Class – Year 4/5
Guillemots Class – Year 5/6
Intent, implementation, impact
Multiplication and division policy
Addition and subtraction policy